The Cisco Access Router Manager routers are the basis for a multifunctioning platform that combines
dial access, routing and LAN–to–LAN services, and multiservice integration of voice, video and data in
the same device.
The Cisco Access Router Manager supports the following Cisco 2600 series modular access routers:
Cisco 2610, 2611, 2612, and 2613
Cisco 2620 and 2621
Cisco 2650 and 2651
The Cisco Access Router Manager supports the following Cisco 3600 series modular access routers:
Cisco 3620
Cisco 3640
Cisco 3661 and 3662
Cisco Access Router Manager works in conjunction with the Cisco Element Management Framework
(Cisco EMF) to provide element management that enables service providers to plan, provision, and
monitor network services on Cisco Access Router Manager routers.
For more information on the Cisco Access Router Manager, refer to the Cisco Access Router Manager
User Guide, Release 1.0.
Cisco Access Router Manager Installation Guide
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Chapter 1 Overview
EM Software Features
EM Software Features
Installed with Cisco EMF, the EM allows for precise management of the device(s) it supports through
custom GUI windows and modeling behavior. Invoked from the Cisco EMF Map Viewer application, the
EM provides Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, and Security (FCAPS) windows on
chassis, module, interface, and connection levels as applicable. These windows provide the features
which compliment the Cisco EMF capabilities to provide for complete, efficient network management.
Specifically, the Cisco Access Router Manager supports related routers as well as various modules
including ATM, ethernet, SONET, and IP modules.Element management capabilities for these items are
provided in windows and wizards, eliminating the need for operators to have detailed Cisco IOS
software and SNMP–based knowledge for individual interface or system parameter commands.
The following features highlight the capabilities of the EM:
Framework—Based on Cisco EMF 3.2, which includes FCAPS management tools
IOS Versions—See the corresponding release note document for specific versions supported
Deployment and Discovery—Allows for manual or automatic deployment and discovery
Deployment—Supports manual deployment for generic objects, and pre–deployment of chassis
objects using templates which provide faster deployment with fewer errors
Auto Discovery—Discovers chassis and all submodules automatically within a given IP range,
providing real–time information regarding the contents of the network
Synchronization—Synchronizes the physical inventory model with managed NEs, providing
accurate, real–time information on what is deployed in the network
Fault management—Provides status information, as well as fault detection, troubleshooting, and
repair tools
Configuration—Provides base configuration for managed objects within the device
Accounting—Provides real–time inventory information
Performance—Supplies real–time performance–related statistics for modules, interfaces, and
connection, as well as capabilities to log historical performance data for analysis
Security—Provides capabilities to manage system security at the EM or device level
Alarm Notification—Provides support of multiple traps, producing alarm notification per the
criteria established
Cisco Access Router Manager Installation Guide
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Chapter 1 Overview
EM Software Features
Cisco Access Router Manager Installation Guide
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